Susannah Acworth - Writer, Healer, Therapist, Speaker, Coach |

Hi, I'm Susannah
I have a passion for helping people - you - to love this life that we're here to experience. It's simple, but so often doesn't seems so. Born into a world which sees lack, negativity, sickness, depression as the norm. How sad is that! Money, and its standards, have become God.
As a member of the human race, I have not always loved life, and there are times now that I forget, and lose my connection with the bigger picture. The real picture. That we are all interconnected - nature is us! We are of nature, and we have the extraordinary ability of choice. Choice as to how we think, what we say, how we eat, what we eat, what we say, how we say it - and so often we, and I forget. That's when we 'lose' it, and become sick, sleep badly, over drink, over eat, shout ... so is there anything we can do about it!
Life and living is many faceted. We all have a story. And we tend to live this same old story over and over again, never re-writing it. Never giving ourselves the opportunity to find another way. We believe our story is who we are. It is not. It is our story. Until and unless we re-write and examine our life, we will continue to live at half mast, living by excuses, if only's, and missed opportunity. Stop believing the crap we tell ourselves each day. Must do better. Am no good. Its just how life is. If you knew what my life has been like....
What is life? If we could ask the trees, the flowers, the rocks the sea? If we could spend more time looking. I know I am hard wired for joy, for love, for happinness. Why is it then that I've spent too much time with feelings of defeat, of downcastness, of 'what's the point'. It happens far far less now. Because I have found the secret! And I'd love you to find the secret - it won't be the same as mine!
My own journey of discovery and experience is ongoing. I 'fall down' but then get up. I feel increasingly blessed to have been given this opportunity to experience and live life with more conscious awareness and usually to feel each day a renewed sense of aliveness and joy.. Life is an unfolding process which constantly delights and amazes me.
Isn't it time to really wake up to and enjoy life, and all that it offers?
Things do not change; we change. ~Henry David Thoreau
I have a passion for helping people - you - to love this life that we're here to experience. It's simple, but so often doesn't seems so. Born into a world which sees lack, negativity, sickness, depression as the norm. How sad is that! Money, and its standards, have become God.
As a member of the human race, I have not always loved life, and there are times now that I forget, and lose my connection with the bigger picture. The real picture. That we are all interconnected - nature is us! We are of nature, and we have the extraordinary ability of choice. Choice as to how we think, what we say, how we eat, what we eat, what we say, how we say it - and so often we, and I forget. That's when we 'lose' it, and become sick, sleep badly, over drink, over eat, shout ... so is there anything we can do about it!
Life and living is many faceted. We all have a story. And we tend to live this same old story over and over again, never re-writing it. Never giving ourselves the opportunity to find another way. We believe our story is who we are. It is not. It is our story. Until and unless we re-write and examine our life, we will continue to live at half mast, living by excuses, if only's, and missed opportunity. Stop believing the crap we tell ourselves each day. Must do better. Am no good. Its just how life is. If you knew what my life has been like....
What is life? If we could ask the trees, the flowers, the rocks the sea? If we could spend more time looking. I know I am hard wired for joy, for love, for happinness. Why is it then that I've spent too much time with feelings of defeat, of downcastness, of 'what's the point'. It happens far far less now. Because I have found the secret! And I'd love you to find the secret - it won't be the same as mine!
My own journey of discovery and experience is ongoing. I 'fall down' but then get up. I feel increasingly blessed to have been given this opportunity to experience and live life with more conscious awareness and usually to feel each day a renewed sense of aliveness and joy.. Life is an unfolding process which constantly delights and amazes me.
Isn't it time to really wake up to and enjoy life, and all that it offers?
Things do not change; we change. ~Henry David Thoreau
Disclaimer All information on this website is for educational purposes only. In no way is anything here intended to suggest that it is a substitute for excellent medical care or good common sense. While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it is still not mainstream. If you use these techniques, you agree to take complete responsibility for your use of it. The articles found here are the property of the contributors. They are solely responsible for the content. We share EFT as a truly remarkable tool and self-help technology. Emotional Freedom Technique Try it! - ITS TRULY STUNNING! |